Oil filled pumps have been out on the market for many years now. The reason that they were produced was that an oil filled pump can cool itself faster, especially if it is submersed below the water line. These pumps can be made in many shapes and sizes, so it is important to ask your supplier if the particular pump you are receiving is actually a oil filled unit.
The problem with these pumps is that when they go bad they will leak out oil and foul the water and quality of the water that you worked so hard to balance. It is far better to use a pump that is a non oil filled unit. Fish are especially sensitive to water that has just been coated with oil. When the oil leaks out of the pump unit, it floats and sits on the water surface making the transfer of oxygen diminish greatly. This, in turn, stresses out the fish and in most cases with kill them.
Anytime that there are oil spills in the news, whether it be in the arctic or gulf regions of the world, the results to the wildlife are always bad. The same goes for the plants and fish that inhabit your pond. Even though it is on a much smaller scale, the results are similarly bad. Remember that the next time you are in the market for any type of pond or fountain pump, that you speak with your supplier to make certain that the unit that you buy is an oil filled model.
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